Sunday, May 9

Mother's Day.

Even though I worked all day and my mom was out of town. Today I realized how much I love my momma. I was driving home from work, alone and thinking... about how much my life has changed since my parents split but my close relationship with my mom has stayed the same; I think we're closer. Same with my dad too. The split allowed me to get to know them as individual parents; it's hard to explain the bittersweetness of it all.. Then 2Pac's "Dear Momma" came on the radio; ha!! perfet timing!

I found this poem a while back. I was going to read it to her on my birthday; because if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have one..

I have no idea who wrote it or what its called. But it pretty much describes how my momma shaped me into who i am...


A mother's love determines how
We love ourselves and others.
There is no sky we'll ever see
Not lit by that first love.

Stripped of love, the universe
Would drive us mad with pain;
But we are born into a world
That greets our cries with joy.

How much I owe you for the kiss
That told me who I was!
The greatest gift--a love of life--
Lay laughing in your eyes.

AW. SO CUTE ITS ALMOST CHEESY. lmao! oh well, we're all excused for today to get alittle emotional and cheesy. :)

Happy Mother's Day!