Wednesday, May 5

Letters from my Brother and Jonah Hex

I haven't been to school in two days.
I feel so isolated, it's crazy how if you miss a day or two
at Townview, it's like missing weeks!

So I was feeling a bit ...
down, you could say.

not sad. but in that neighborhood.

I haven't spoken to anyone my age and it's drving me crazy.
I didn't leave my house cause my eye was swollen due to some
weird infection. gross. I was too embarrassed to leave my house.
Not to mention cranky cause of the pain.

Highschool is almost over, the real world is right around the corner
and it's slowly starting to hit me. I'm leaving my family for college,
hopefully, (if all goes well financially) to San Antonio.
anyway, right when i'm feeling blue.

I received a letter from my brother (who is being detained at a
solitary confinement center). Its weird, he always knows when
i need to hear some positive words even when he was out.
He told me everything I needed to hear. :D
"keep you head up, don't look down. you're gonna be somebody
so you better start acting like it"

letters from my brother are the best.


I just saw the trailer for Jonah Hex.
I don't care what its about, although it looks pretty good,
Megan Fox is in it so I will be seeing it :D

although i hate that she sticks to skanky sexy roles
and the fact that i can't imagine her doing a serious role..
but i mean hey, if you got it, why not!
