Wednesday, May 12


So these past few days flew by!!
I could've sworn it was still Monday.. jeez.

Senior year couldn't get any busier for me. On top of school work, there's AP exams, final projects, speeches to prepare, scholarships to finish, senior pictures to book, I'm also looking for a new job, and that's just the school part. I have a social life to; well at least I hope it still exists lmao.

and this is only the beginning..

dun, dun, dunnn!!!

Cap & Gowns are to arrive tomorrow, and ..... its about time!
This sunday is Baccalaureate :) and I will be speaking. Nervous? Yes
I have a script tho so I'm good.

Yesterday I went to the Travel and Tourism graduation to support some friends from school. I'm so proud of them; especially the students who received scholarships :) Who doesn't like scholarships?!?! Anyway, it made me realize how close my graduation is. May 29th. Its like I want to stall and stay in my senioritis-state forever and just hold off graduation; but at the same I want to get the heck out of high school! No more idiot freshmen standing in the middle of the hallway, getting in MY way! No more annoucements from Alice (Townview kids should agree). I'm sick of it, sick of the same freakin thing for 4 years. At least in college, I'll have more freedom to switch up my routine. Can't wait....

&& I found this picture, I was on the DISD Teen Board this year. Our group photo :D