Monday, June 7

No more Graduations!!

okay, so i've probably said the word GRADUATION like
972643 times on this blog. haha.
this is the last time :) i promise


whooo! nessa girl did it, and i have to admit i'm secretly jealous cause she got like 30 graduation tickets. -_- i got 15 and we were the lucky ones. lol

anywho, she looked great. we were proud. and it was HOT.
CAPTION: "the gorgeous"

CAPTION: i know i'm short but DANG! haha

...Afterwards we all headed to Chili's where I realized how unhealthy my eating habits are. There i was ordering a Bacon Burger and i look over and see my cousin eating a healthy soup. i mean, i still ate the burger lol but i felt bad haha

well, that'll be my goal for the summer. to eat more healthy
i'd like to make it to retirement. haha