Saturday, July 7

Guess who's back!

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

I have returned to my old blog site! I found out why I was locked out, and I got it fixed! =D

Now I have TWO YEARS to update my readers.. yes.. TWO YEARS. My last post was made in 2010, and it's the middle of 2012.. It's been that long!

Freshman Year of College consisted of the following:
  • Eating at the Roadrunner Cafe and regretting it.
  • Getting into trouble with authorities on campus
  • Having my first college boyfriend
  • Working out at the Rec
  • Swooning over upperclassmen/athletes
  • Learning which classes I could afford to skip
  • Time & money management
Sophomore Year of College consisted of the following:
  • Getting my own apartment, thank god for off campus housing
  • Continuing to work for UTSA's Athletic department
  • Throwing my very own college party
  • Getting my heart/pride broken... twice.
  • Kicking out my male roommate LOL
  • Getting my first car!
  • Witnessing my first college football game
  • Becoming a more independent strong woman, overall. 
I've been through a lot these past two years, and it would be impossible to share everything. I'll just play the part of that good friend... you know, that one friend that you haven't seen in years, but nothing as changed between y'all.. and you just pick up where you left off.. Let's do that, shall we? (: