Sunday through Tuesday was Freshman Orientation for UTSA.
I invited my mom since she loves San Antonio so much; and let me say... I know women talk a lot, but DANGGGG! THIS WOMAN NEVER STOPS!
On your way up there I was dying cause all she talked about was work and her future plans for apartments and junk. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy hearing about her stories at work but, for 4 hours... it was driving me insane. THANK GOD IPODS WERE INVENTED!
So, throughout the trip my mom had random bursts of "blond moments" which made me LMFAO!
I've complied a list of things my mom said on our trip:
- As we were approaching Waco, she blurted "Hey look we're on Wack-o"
- "I'm craving a beer. OMG! I'm an addicted alcoholic addict!"
- While trying explain how to do her country accent she said, "It's a complex tongue and throat action, not everyone is gifted!"
- "We need to find a park with shady space" instead of "shady parking space"
- "Jackie, you don't need a boyfriend..... You need 3!!"
- "Do these jeans make me look like a mom?"
- "Oh, I need to put my glasses on, I see a sexy figure coming this way"
- "Oh lord, it's hot! I'm having a flashlight!" instead of "hot flash" <---- this one had me rollin' hahaha
... my mom's kinda silly. lol. OH! AND I LEARNED HOW TO CHANGE A FLAT! On our way home, our tire gave out on us somewhere near Austin and my mom told me, EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW HOW TO CHANGE A FLAT! HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO LEARN. NOW LEARN!
and it took a while but we got it. =D

I also, didn't take any pictures cause I was so busy and I forgot! This is the only one I got, I thought it was beautiful :)